Help us build the Autism Up Campus!

A place for adolescents on the autism spectrum.
This is where they will learn to live independently.

People on the autism spectrum can live independently!

We are parents of teenagers on the autism spectrum. Together with other parents and friends, we create the Autyzm Up Foundation. We care about the development of people with autism, we strive to achieve independence in life.

People on the autism spectrum develop in unusual, unique ways. We, parents, take care of their education and therapy, as well as the development of their interests and passions – in accordance with their needs and possibilities. We engage them in daily duties, we teach them how to build relationships. We are proud and happy to see how great they became.

Soon our children will grow up. The school stage will come to an end, and they will collide with the lack of system solutions and opportunities for further development. The thought that they would end up in one of the state social welfare homes, chills our hearts. We cannot imagine that they would be condemned to a sad existence, supported only by anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. It equals stopping their development and losing everything we have achieved by working together.

We will not allow it because we know that people on the autism spectrum, with appropriate support, are able to achieve independence. Our pupils feel that being independent is fun, that it is a natural path in human life. They want to enter this new stage and we accompany them. We also support parents in overcoming their fear of letting their adolescent children out of the family nest.

& nbsp;

For this to happen, we need a space that will ensure the safety and comfort of entering a new stage of life for both our pupils and their parents. A place where they will be able to continue their education and therapy, master practical life, and social skills – learn to plan the day, perform work and home duties, set a home budget, and manage free time.

Learning to be independent requires a great deal of attention, effort, and determination. Requires a plan. That is why we are building the Autism Up Campus – a place where we will implement this plan!

The cost of building the Campus is PLN 8,000,000.

Autism Up Campus – school of self-reliance!

The Autism Up campus is a place for adolescents on the autism spectrum. A school of self-reliance, which is created to prepare them for adult life and support them in achieving the greatest possible independence. Space where they learn about responsibility for their own lives. It is here that they will have the opportunity to learn how to plan each day, taking into account domestic duties and free time, get a job and work and establish relationships with fellow residents.

Study and work

The vocational training school is a place where our pupils will learn a profession in accordance with their talents and interests. Cook, carpenter or IT specialist – these are just some of the professions, many of which will give you a chance to work outside the Campus, but also in office , workshop located on its premises.

Everyday life

In training apartments, where our pupils, with the support of therapists and assistants, will gradually learn how to live independently – setting a home budget, planning and performing work and home duties, and managing free time. They will also learn how to react to various unforeseen and surprising situations that happen in everyday life.

Sport and Recreation

Gym or training halls will help our pupils to take care of their physical condition and give them the opportunity to train their favorite sports under the supervision of qualified trainers. Common spaces will be the perfect place to establish relationships, build friendships.

Support for the families

Some of the apartments on the Campus will be allocated to the implementation of the respite policy . People on the autism spectrum staying on the Campus will receive care from us, while their parents or guardians will have a chance to take care of their health or go for well-deserved rest and regeneration.

Building relationships

Surrounded by the kindness of the local community, our pupils will learn what building a neighborhood community is. They will learn that establishing relationships with fellow residents is based on mutual help and spending time together. They will be hosts in their homes and will be proud to invite their families and friends over.

Przelew internetowy

Wykonaj przelew internetowy. Wypełnij odpowiednie pola formularza i kliknij przycisk “Wpłać”. Zostaniesz przekierowany na stronę płatności internetowych.

Twoją wpłatę możemy przeznaczyć na przykład na zakup:
37 PLN – 8m pręta zbrojeniowego
72 PLN – 2m rury do wodociągów
100 PLN – 1h pracy koparko-spycharki
1200 PLN – 4 m3 betonu

Bank transfer

Choose a traditional transfer. Autyzm Up Foundation data can be found below.

Details for payment:
Fundacja Autyzm Up
ul. Jakubowy Szlak 34, 32-091 Zdzięsławice

Account number:
73 1240 4650 1111 0010 6312 5059

Payment title:
Donation to the Autism Up Campus

Support regularly

Set up a standing transfer order in the amount of your choice. This way you will join the group of Campus Patrons.

Payment title:
Donation to the Autism Up Campus – Patron

Koszt I etapu budowy to 670 000 PLN

Dzięki naszym Darczyńcom zebraliśmy już

54 242 PLN

  • 8% 8%

The stage 0 of construction is behind us.

We have acquired the land on which we will start construction. The geological and geodetic works, as well as pre-design arrangements, are already behind us. The architectural designs are ready and we also have building permits.

The first stage of construction is ahead of us.

We plan to equip the area with water and electricity, prepare the entrance and foundations for roads and parking lots. In addition, we want to make a fence and land leveling. Then we will carry out earthworks, foundations, reinforced retaining walls, and basements with a slab, as well as drainage. We need PLN 670,000 to redeem it.

This is a huge investment that we are unable to cope with alone. We need help and we ask for it. We believe that we will achieve our goal together!

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Dziś na naszej działce pod budowę Kampusu miały miejsce pomiary geodezyjne. Zostały wbite specjalne paliki, które fachowo nazywa się reperami. “To one wyznaczają wysokość bezwzględną, od której będziemy rozmierzać posadowienia Kampusu i jego budynków” mówi Prezes, który zna się na rzeczy 🙂

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